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Vorteile für Orca-Mitglieder
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Vorteile für Orca-Mitglieder
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Vorteile für Orca-Mitglieder
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Kostenlose Lieferung ab einem Bestellwert von 100€
Vorteile für Orca-Mitglieder
14 Tage Rückgaberecht
Kostenlose Lieferung ab einem Bestellwert von 100€

Get on the grill with Andrew Starykowicz this 4th of July

Whether American or not, you probably know that Independence Day is typically spent firing up the grill. Whether you're celebrating today in the US, or you just want to grill with the best of them, Andrew Starykowicz is here to help you up your game!

If you're an American, you know that July 4th is traditionally spent firing up the grill and breaking out the blue, red and white cutlery. If you aren't American, you've probably watched enough movies to know this is how Independence Day is typically spent. So whether you're celebrating today in the US, or you just want to grill with the best of them, Orca athlete and fastest cyclist in Ironman history, Andrew Starykowicz is here to help you up your game!

When he's not out training, Andrew and his wife love to fire up the barbie, but they'd found they'd fallen into a bit of a boring rut when it came to grilling. So Andrew accepted the challenge to come up with 25 different meals to cook on the grill without repeating. We've highlighted a few that we think would score you the biggest brownie points when friends are turning up for what they are expecting will be a traditional barbeque! So see below if you'd like some inspiration from a fellow triathlete on doing things a little differently this 4th of July! 

Option 1: Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Chicken with Sauteed Tomatoes and Carrots

Option 2: Flank Steak Casserole with Chipotle Peppers and Pepperjack Cheese

Option 3: Eggs Provencal with Grilled Pineapple

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