Clément Mignon, the new guy
April 2, 2024 | 10 reading min.
New addition to the BMC professional long-distance triathlon team
What is it that captures charming Josh Amberger's attention outside triathlon?
Josh Amberger is an Australian triathlete, an excellent swimmer - and a real charmer. He dominates the water as he does his words; elegantly and freely, with precision and humour. He is also a lover of coffee, horticulture and bikepacking. He is a man of many skills that combine to form his unique personality in the three disciplines of the sport.
Born in 1989 in the city of Brisbane, Josh has been a professional triathlete for over fifteen years. Swimming is his most skilled discipline, in which he has always excelled and reached milestones, such as leading the swim alone at his first long distance world championships in Kona. His list of triumphs include ten victories at important races and numerous podiums.
In this meeting we delve into Josh’s worlds, hobbies and life away from competitions and training. We discover the Australian’s key moments that complete his already well-rounded life as a professional triathlete.
He started doing short distance courses, trying to qualify for the Australian Olympic team and managing to make three elite junior and u23 teams before he moved onto long distance triathlon. He won his first Ironman in his first year in the game and in his first year in Kona he got out in front of the water, leading by two minutes, surprising quite a few people but being sure he was capable of it and keeping it as a cherished memory, because Josh always keeps in mind the privilege that is doing what he loves to do.
April 2, 2024 | 10 reading min.
New addition to the BMC professional long-distance triathlon team
December 15, 2023 | 10 reading min.
"Free, intense, fulfilling," is how Kienle defines his sports career and his life in triathlon
September 20, 2023 | 10 reading min.
The final of the World Triathlon Series in Pontevedra is the last battle for the title of World Champion.