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Tri Training Spotlight on St Moritz with Heather Sellars

Triathlete Heather Sellars heads to St Moritz for a month as part of the British Tri Team to make the most of the training conditions at altitude. Check out Heather's tips and places to check out in St Moritz, Switzerland as a triathlete in training


Location: St Moritz, Switzerland

Why do you head here to train? 

I head to St Moritz as part of the British Elite Triathlon Team mainly because it is at altitude so we go for a month to make sure we get some benefits at training at a higher altitude. It is the most beautiful place I have ever been to for training, everyday I feel like I'm in a postcard as the mountains and views are amazing. This year the weather was amazing for us - because it's so high it can be hit and miss with the weather as we are in the mountains but we had lots of sunshine which makes it look even more beautiful and it meant we could swim in the lakes (in my amazing Orca Alpha wetsuit). The training facilities are great, 25m brand new swimming pool, and lakes to open water swim, lots of amazing running trails and lots of hills to climb on the bike. It is by far my favourite place to train.

Heather Sellars at a lake in St Moritz

What time of year is best to be here and why?

The best time to go is in the summer due to it getting very busy in the winter as it is the ski season there so there is lots of snow and very cold. 

Where do you recommend to swim? 

The pool in St Moritz only opened last year and has a great gym and lane swimming, and if you have a day off or down time there is even a spa and slides! However I prefer to make use of the amazing lakes, there are two warm enough to swim in with an Orca wetsuit and you can admire the views whilst swimming! 

Heather Sellars and Non Stanford wearing Orca Alpha Wetsuits at a St Moritz Lake

Where do you stay when you’re there? Why would you recommend this place?

We always stay in apartments located near the track and the pool in St Moritz Bad, there are plenty of places to rent and it is then walking distance to all the facilities. 

Where do you head for tri-related help while there?Any good tri/bike shops to recommend?

There are a few bike shops in St Moritz Bad and in the swimming pool there is a good shop selling lots of triathlon products. There are always lots of triathletes and runners around in the summer to ask for routes. You can also find maps in the swimming pool and in the tourist centre in St Moritz town. 

Where can someone get the best coffee here?

Myself and Non love a good coffee! We found that the swimming pool did great coffee in the cafe there and then most of the hotels nearby all do great coffee! Most of the apartments have coffee machines and there are lots of different brands of nice coffee to buy in the supermarkets. 

How easy is it to get around here? Would someone need their own car or is public transportation fine?

Getting to St Moritz from the airport is easy via the train if you don't have a car. The train ride is very pretty too. And with staying in St Moritz Bad you won't need a car as everything is walking distance

Where’s your favourite spot to head to treat yourself after a long day of training?

We were very lucky and got food cooked for us however we did go out a few nights. Our recommendations would be Hotel Sonne for a great pizza and Hotel Laudinella for an amazing all you can eat buffet - every triathlete's dream! Both these places are reasonably priced too. My favourite thing to do though was going up to one of the lakes we swam at and have a BBQ with the rest of the team. 

Any other tips to add if someone was thinking of heading to this location for some training time?

I would strongly recommend this amazing place to train. It has everything you need and at altitude gets you fitter as well. Get booking now for next year and I'm sure to see you there! 


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