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Natalie Seymour's Post-Training Recovery Smoothie

Looking for some new fast and healthy post training recovery fuel ideas? Triathlete Natalie Seymour shares one of her favourites that tastes great, is good for you and is going to help you recover faster!


I have just been out for a one hour run. The session was a short warm up, followed by 45 minutes of zone three running, with some 1 minute and 90 second "pick ups", followed by a short cool down. I headed out after my morning coffee, so I am really ready for my smoothie by the time I get back home. After a drink of water, it's the first thing I do. It's always important to get some nutrition in as soon as possible after a workout, particularly as I have a 5kim swim set this afternoon!


smoothie tastes good and is easy to digest after a training session and is quick to make and good on the go. This is ideal for busy days. I can pack in lots of fruit and vegetables, which means that it is a quick nutrient fix too. I always try to balance the carbohydrates and protein by using my Etixx recovery powder. This balances the fruit, is excellent for muscle recovery and gives a nice thick texture. By adding cinnamon you add flavour and a spice that is good for the digestion.


Smoothies are fun and easy to make. I always play around with what goes into my smoothie and often it can depend on what is in the fridge... Butthis is one of my favourites and the key components rarely change.

Natalie Seymour prepares post-training recovery smoothie


1/2 a banana

4 or 5 frozen strawberries

A pinch of cinnamon

A handful of Kale

1x Scoop of Etixx Recovery Shake (Chocolate flavour)

2x dates

Cup of Water (or almond/soya milk if you prefer)

Whizz until smooth in a blender


Check out the video below for a quick "how-to" It really is as simple as it looks!! I hope you enjoy this smoothie as much as me. I would love to see your ideas and recipes and hope this inspires you to share your favourites too. Tag me @natalieseymour9 next time you share and I look forward to some tasty new options!


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