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Miriam Albero's Smoothie Bowl in 5 minutes

Lifestyle blogger, Orca ambassador and keen triathlete Miriam Albero brings you the perfect Smoothie Bowl recipe that can be whipped up in less than 5 minutes for a fast, healthy and wholesome breakfast or a perfect snack!

Lifestyle blogger, Orca ambassador and keen triathlete Miriam Albero brings you the perfect Smoothie Bowl recipe that can be whipped up in less than 5 minutes for a fast, healthy and wholesome breakfast or a perfect snack! 


1x Banana

1x Pear

Handful of strawberries

Scoop of Acai Powder

What's so great about Acai in a smoothie bowl? Touted as a bit of a superfood, Acai is a berry from Brazil that grows on the Acai Palm tree. This fruit which is super high in antioxidants is shown to prevent premature skin aging - perfect for most triathletes who're out in the elements alot! The high concentration of carbohydrates, protein and fat make acai ideal for athletes and highly active people. A liter of Acai contains 12.6 grams of protein, representing 25-30% of the daily nutritional * amount required.

Furthermore, the amino acid profile of acai is similar to an egg. However because it is a vegetable protein, they are easier to process into the muscles, allowing them to better use the energy boost that comes from Acai. It's also rich in carbohydrates, which provides the body with the energy needed at work or when practising a sport.

* According to a study by Professor Hervé Rogez, UCL Belgium and UFPA Belém, 2000.

See below for a step-by-step video on making this smoothie bowl - you can top it with whatever you feel like, for this version Miriam topped with goji berries, banana, stawberries, coconut and mint. Too easy! What are you waiting for? Get blending!!

*This how-to video is in Spanish, but actions speak a thousand words so watching will be helpful whether you speak Spanish or not!

Be sure to check out Miriam's blog: www.miriamalbero.com for more recipes as well as lots of tips on workouts, triathlon and lots more!

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